Trying to lose weight can be a real struggle. From spending all our time counting calories to making time to add the gym to our routines, to ending up breaking our promises and starting over. For this reason, at Holland and Barrett we bring you these wonderful 6 tips for losing weight, which will help you achieve your goals.


  • Get active

One of the best ways to lose weight is to exercise every day. Make sure you walk about 10,000 steps each day and exercise as much as possible. Also, you can incorporate some physical training once a week.


  • Don't skip any meals

Contrary to what we think, skipping meals does not help you lose weight. And it can have the opposite effect. Not only is it possible for our body to lose essential nutrients, but the probability of consuming an unhealthy snack or meal will increase as we feel hungry.


  • Drink lots of water

Drinking water can help activate our metabolism by up to 30%, helping us lose more calories. Furthermore, we often confuse hunger with thirst. So drinking water will make us feel satiated.


  • Plan your meals

Planning our meals will help you focus on what you are consuming. This way, you can choose healthier options and incorporate them into your diet. For example, adding more fruits and vegetables to your plan, and avoiding processed foods like refined carbohydrates.


  • Green tea is the key

Green tea has many benefits, one of them is weight loss. For example, although green tea contains caffeine, it is also loaded with powerful antioxidants called catechins, which are believed to work synergistically with caffeine to increase fat burning.


  • Supplements can help you

Some weight loss supplements, rich in caffeine and with thermogenic ingredients, can be a great help. You will find them in specialized stores, pharmacies and also online.

 But before consuming them, it is very important that you make sure that they do not affect your digestion, mood or sleep. Therefore, we recommend that you always consult with a specialist.