As a complement, amino acids fulfill a series of physiological functions, among which the following stand out:
– They regulate our immune system: After a sporting activity that involves a medium-high intensity, our body is more weakened. Amino acids significantly counteract this effect.
– They reduce fatigue and facilitate recovery during exercise: When the activity is prolonged they reduce fatigue and can act as a source of energy, thus helping muscle contraction.
– They prevent muscle catabolism or muscle loss: Sometimes, excessive training can cause our body to take energy from our own muscle mass. Also, it may happen that we are eating an incorrect diet that does not cover the energy needs of the physical activity carried out and, consequently, we end up losing muscle. Amino acids act as a compensatory agent. They prevent catabolism, while helping the development and growth of muscles.
When and how to take them
As followers of the fitness world, we often have doubts about what is the best time to take amino acids, what dose is appropriate for us and for how long we should ingest them.
We should consider taking this supplement when we regularly go to the gym and perform medium-high intensity activities, prolonged wear and tear begin to occur, with slower recovery periods.
It is advisable to do it in two doses, half an hour before training and once the training is over, without exceeding 30 minutes. In this way, we will help our body to have an extra supply of energy while we perform the routine and, subsequently, we will be able to stop muscle degradation and facilitate muscle recovery and growth.
Amino acids can be taken for long periods, as long as we constantly ingest liquids so that waste is not deposited in the kidneys. However, it is recommended to take rest periods between two weeks and one month. In any case, it is always advisable for a professional to advise the supply and explain which type of amino acids are the most suitable.
Amino acids should always be understood as a complement to the usual diet and should never be substitutes for any food. What's more, a rich and balanced diet is fundamental and basic for any physical activity.
If you need more information, at Holland and Barrett we will be happy to guide you and answer your questions. Because your well-being is our goal.
Likewise, as we always say, to ensure the success of your diet without putting your health at risk, it is advisable to consult with a specialist.